10 TV Losers Who Should Never Have Got The Girl

2. Ross (Friends)

ross rachel friends Ross is one of the whiniest characters in recent memory. From his back story, we€™ve gathered that he pined for Rachel all throughout his high school years, flirting dangerously close to complete alienation due to his obsession with dinosaurs and playing the keyboard. As time went on, Ross found his lack of charm translating into his college years, where he met Chandler. The two bonded over their inability to woo the opposite sex until Ross met Carol, his future ex-wife who also turned out to be a lesbian. Ross has never had the easiest route through love, championing a turbulent relationship with Rachel which went on to be the €œwill they / won€™t they€ framework for every sitcom love storyline. Even though Ross€™ misfortune with women warrants his place on this list alone, it€™s his polarising personality that earns him such a high spot. In season five it is most evident, where Ross bounces from one rejection to another, in which his personal and professional life hit rock bottom. He complains, whines, moans about everything and even displays a hidden rage. He starts to dig himself out of this hole (slowly) and eventually ends up with Rachel. But he€™s still the same old Ross at heart. A loser.
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