10 TV Losers Who Should Never Have Got The Girl

3. Alan (Two And A Half Men)

lkk It is amazing how Alan can even find a girlfriend. He forever lives in the shadow of someone much more successful with women. Whether it€™s his brother Charlie or his new bezzie mate Walden, he€™s never going to be the male stallion of his household... well, I say his household, he€™s always been a lodger. What€™s even more surprising, I guess, is that Lindsay kept going back for more. She did admit at one point though, that it was because she could be herself around Alan, as opposed to having to make an effort for someone much younger, because she knew Alan would never leave her. That doesn€™t really say a lot for Alan. I suppose at the moment he hasn€™t €œgot the girl€, as Lindsay left him, but I wouldn€™t be entirely surprised to see her go back to him. Alan manages to get into a relationship one way or another and each time we€™re baffled beyond belief.
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