10 TV Mistakes You Won’t Believe Made It To Screen

9. A Stunt Double In Paris - Emily In Paris

Family Guy Stewie

Darting around some European streets on a scooter is difficult at the best of times. Now add another human on to the back of a Vespa whilst shooting a scene, and you have a recipe for potential disaster.

So, in an attempt to negate the risks that could arise from having Lily Collins do the scooting when Lucien Laviscount's Alfie is offered a ride by Emily, it looks like the folks behind Emily in Paris had a double plan.

As Collins initially enjoys her ride along some French roads, it appears the actor herself is very much perched on the vehicle. However, it becomes clear in the moments that followed Lucien hopping on behind her that this Emily was swapped out for another for the two-person ride.

But what makes this one feel like such a jarring flaw is the fact that said stunt double's legs look nothing like Collins', with it suddenly looking like the dainty character hasn't missed a leg day in her life.

Again, the showrunners evidently felt the safer option was to have Collins watch a more qualified or confident rider control the scooter for this moment. But that doesn't change the fact that the call ultimately resulted in some rather inconsistent Emily limbs for one scene.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...