10 TV Moments Everyone Misunderstood As Kids

5. Helga's Trembling "Girlhood" - Hey Arnold!

Hey Arnold Helga

It's fair to say that even the youngest kids would appreciate how unhealthy Helga Pataki's obsession with Arnold was in Hey Arnold!, given that she has a shrine and conducts overwrought soliloquies devoted to him in almost every single episode.

But there's one moment that stands out above all the rest as especially unsettling in the season four episode "Helga's Parrot."

Helga reads one of her loved-up poems to her watermelon shrine of Arnold, ending with the deeply troubling declaration, "You make my girlhood tremble."

Given that Helga's supposed to be nine years old, it's just...all kinds of wrong. Any assumed innocence of Helga's feelings for Arnold got thrown out the window in this very moment, and the audience was left to assume that Helga was a bit of an early bloomer in the puberty department.

To make matters worse - and more hilarious - Helga's pet parrot clearly realises how disturbing it is, and repeats what she said several times. As a kid, it seems totally harmless, but as an adult? Your jaw's on the floor.

This is also the same episode where Helga creepily watches Arnold get undressed, so it in many ways represents a major(ly troubling) turning point for her character.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.