10 TV Moments IMPOSSIBLE To Watch Same Way After This

1. "That Lady Just Looked At The Camera" - Curb Your Enthusiasm

Dexter Saber The Office

Larry David's Curb Your Enthusiasm is heavily reliant on improvisation, which can evidently result in a shoot as chaotic as it is excitingly unpredictable.

And so it's not terribly surprising that Curb runs afoul of continuity and technical errors every now and then, such as one hilariously weird cast and crew screw-up in the season 10 episode "Side Sitting."

There's a memorable scene where Larry meets with his assistant Alice (Megan Ferguson) to discuss her sexual harassment complaint, and he predictably ends up making the situation worse by sitting discomfortingly close to her and invading her personal space.

An offended Alice storms out of the restaurant, at which point one of the extras in the scene looks directly into the camera lens.

That may not be the end of the world in a show like Curb, admittedly, but listen carefully and you can then hear a member of the crew whisper, "That lady just looked at the camera."

Though the crew member's comment would've been easy enough to edit out during post-production, seemingly nobody in the audio department caught it before airing, and alas it's immortalised forever.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.