10 TV Moments More Terrifying When You Know The Truth

9. Madelaine Petsch Had A Panic Attack Before Her Boat Scene - Riverdale

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The CW

It's not uncommon for an actor to have to face some of their deepest fears when stepping on set to film a sequence for a popular TV offering.

And in the case of Madelaine Petsch whilst working on The CW's Riverdale, said traumatic experience involved the Cheryl Blossom actor having to overcome a particularly daunting obstacle for her; splashing around in a body of water.

While the idea of a scene that required the actor to step onto a boat and go for a paddle with her on-screen brother may not have seemed that terrifying to the average person, for Petsch it quickly resulted in a panic attack that no one else was privy to.

That's because, back when the actor was a kid growing up in South Africa, she found herself being taken under by a huge tide during a dip in the sea. That fear of thinking she was going to die at the age of eight years old, along with another unfortunate glass-bottom boat ride many years ago, stuck with Petsch right up to the point of shooting the aforementioned opening scene of Riverdale.

Petsch actually went as far as to class the moment as "therapy" for her... though she quickly added that she was still very much terrified during the boat ride. And you can't exactly blame her!


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...