10 TV Moments More Terrifying When You Know The Truth

8. Ellen Pompeo Wasn't Too Happy About Doing One Particularly Dangerous Stunt - Grey's Anatomy

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For all of the joy and fulfilment that often comes with being a part of any televised project, there's no getting away from the fact that the days are often long and tiresome when shooting on a TV show.

And the last thing a performer would likely want to deal with on the back of a seemingly never-ending shift on set is the idea of offering their body up for a piece of action that has just left a stunt person needing to go through concussion protocol.

But that's precisely the unenviable situation Ellen Pompeo found herself in when shooting Grey's Anatomy's jaw-dropping bomb explosion scene during Season 2's As We Know It episode.

After already working for "something like 17 hours" and confessing to being "exhausted", the reality of a young stuntwoman slamming her head down hard during the first attempt at yanking Meredith Grey away from the stunt explosion left episode director Peter Horton with no choice but to use Ellen instead.

One inevitable screaming match later, a brassed off Pompeo took part in said dangerous stunt, only for Horton to still use the majority of the take that saw the young stuntwoman's head legit bounce off the floor.

And with all that in mind, you'll likely never look at this explosive moment the same way ever again.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...