10 TV Moments More Terrifying When You Know The Truth

2. Bodies Of Water With A Black Bottom Caused Some Legit Concerns - Stranger Things

Game of Thrones Jon Snow Battle of the Bastards

Returning to literal troubling waters now, and to the shot of Stranger Things lifeguard Heather suddenly bursting out of an ice bath in Season 3 before being dragged into the abyss; one that supposedly also wasn't all that fun to dive into.

Again confessing to not being a person who gets their kicks out of large bodies of water, particularly ones that possess a dark, black bottom, the idea of being dragged down into this liquid over and over again was "terrifying" for actor Francesca Reale.

And if that wasn't enough, Reale also had a mechanism locked onto her foot for said yanking. But this wasn't simply a case of being swiftly pulled and flailing around as one likely would do in real-life.

The actor was under specific orders to hold her arms up above her head and not move them, scream without creating bubbles, and keep her eyes wide open. All while having to overcome a fear of ominous bodies of water. Charming.

All that being said, though it was unquestionably "incredibly hard", Reale would admit to it being one of the most fun stunt-esque sequences she's had the opportunity to do and hopes to do more going forward.

Rather her than me.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...