10 TV Moments They Didn't Want You To See

2. The Green Screen Arm - 9-1-1

911 Green Screen

There are gaffes and oddities, and then there's a mistake so ridiculously blatant you have to wonder whether anyone involved with the show actually watched the episode before it went on the air.

The first responder drama series 9-1-1 let an all-timer mistake slip through the cracks in the third episode of its third season, which depicts the aftermath of a tsunami hitting Santa Monica Pier. This results in a firefighter having his arm amputated, and at the end of the episode we see said firefighter laid up in hospital as he's visited by other first responders.

Except, in one shot the actor in question can be seen wearing a green sleeve over his arm, as would've been used to help the VFX team paint out the limb in question. If, you know, they actually did.

Whether someone on the production forgot to key in the correct shot of the arm digitally removed or the crew simply ran out of time to complete the shot before it aired, it's a shambolic mistake, especially as the green sleeve sticks out like a sore thumb.

Somehow this passed through so many hands - crew members, the director, studio executives - and made it to viewers at home.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.