10 TV Moments You Didn't Expect To See This Season
5. Dolores Clones Herself - Westworld

Westworld dropped one of its juiciest plot twists yet in the recent fourth episode of its third season, "The Mother of Exiles," where it finally revealed the identities of the "pearls" - that's the hosts' control units - which Dolores (Evan Rachel Wood) smuggled out of Westworld at the end of season two.
As it turns out, the pearls are all in fact clones of Dolores herself, residing within the hosts Charlotte Hale (Tessa Thompson), Martin Conells (Tommy Flanagan), and Sato (Hiroyuki Sanada).
There are few TV shows as enthusiastically speculated about as Westworld, and needless to say, almost all of the fan theories about the pearls' identities proved to be categorically incorrect with this mind-blowing rug-pull.
Whether you were left pleasantly surprised or just pissed off at being jerked around for 18 months, it was an absolute shocker.