10 TV Moments You Didn't Expect To See This Season

4. Meyer Is The Wolf - Hunters

Better Call Saul I Do
Amazon Studios

It says a lot about a show when the most shocking moment isn't the last-minute reveal that both Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun (Lena Olin) are still alive.

Amazon's Hunters certainly wasn't perfect, but it at least executed an extremely surprising plot twist in its final episode, revealing that Nazi-hunting Holocaust survivor Meyer Offerman (Al Pacino) was not who he claimed to be. The total opposite, in fact.

Meyer's "grandson" Jonah (Logan Lerman) discovers that Meyer is actually Wilhelm Zuchs aka The Wolf, a Nazi doctor at Auschwitz who killed the real Meyer, assumed his identity, and had plastic surgery to escape the Soviets.

Zuchs then lived as Meyer for 30 years and formed the Hunters in order to atone for his horrid past, though that ultimately didn't prevent Jonah from killing him.

Al Pacino did such a terrific job playing Meyer that the big reveal was a genuine WTF moment, even if, like the show as a whole, many found its collision of "real life" and comic book-y pulp a little too jarring for its own good.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.