10 TV Moments You Didn't Expect To See This Season

3. The Weirdly Happy Ending - American Horror Story: 1984

Better Call Saul I Do

Of all the tall tales American Horror Story has spun across its nine seasons, the most "1984" volume came up with the most insane final twist of all: a happy ending.

That's right, American Horror Story: 1984 wrapped up with an oddly hopeful, even emotional finale as is most uncharacteristic for the series.

Bobby Richter (Finn Wintrock) ends up leaving Camp Redwood alive and well after the ghosts team up to take care of the murderous Margaret Booth (Leslie Grossman), and Bobby even gets to have a tearful farewell with his family in the season's final moments.

Fans were no doubt waiting for a last-minute "gotcha!" to ruin Bobby's smooth escape, but incredibly it never came.

It's tough to think of a more affecting family reunion to come from such an unexpected place in recent TV history. Admit it, you cried a little.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.