10 TV Romances That Made Us Feel Ill

6. Jack & Kate - Lost

458f5e98 2de8 4476 B91f 6f1cecd3c419 This was and is one of my all time favorite shows. But it did not reach that pedestal because of its romantic content. It was actually one of the show's greatest flaws. You see, apart - these characters were fantastic. Even Kate had her moments. But together - the combination of their dysfunction was doomed. We knew Jack and Kate could never work. Even the only couple that could work and did - Jin and Sun - died in a truly sad manner. I'm not trying to be a bummer, but to me, this specific couple was the worst. At least Sawyer and Kate had an amazing chemistry - I was rooting for them! Together they were electric. The only thing that saved the awful second season was they hot sex, frankly. Jack and Kate could never be, not even in the parallel world. They had to go baaaaaaack. I would also mention Sawyer and Juliet, but there was a sweetness to them that was undeniable. They loved each other, they had a beautiful repartee. And even Sayid and Shannon, odd as it was for me to accept, worked on some level. He wanted a little woman to take care of, she wanted a man that was the antithesis of her strange half-brother. And poor Libby and Hurley, that one hurt the most. He deserved better. This leaves the only couple that really irked me, Jack and Kate. One was a wild, selfish runaway, the other a handsome guy with a serious superman complex. It simply wasn't meant to be.

Born in Israel, but raised partly in the UK, Shira is rather an odd duck. She will get in your face with her opinion, but will then be super polite to the waitress serving her a cocktail, no matter how bad the service is. Movies are her passion, along with good TV, music, and Shakespeare. She loves to sing and goes to karaoke a lot, too. She will do anything creative, and will resort to finger painting if necessary. Shira also, apparently, enjoys writing about herself in third person, which is weird. But she just finished her first Fantasy novel, and it's not about her, so that's ok. Shira is very glad to be a part of WhatCulture!