10 TV Romances That Made Us Feel Ill

7. Joey & Rachel - Friends

Toajoeyrachelkiss Yeah, Ross, that's pretty much my reaction to this blasphemous union. At first I thought - maybe? but very quickly after it was clear this was not one to last. Other then both being fun loving and not too bright, they had nothing in common. It felt like the writer's final attempt to cause the stir of Ross and Rachel. Obviously, it was a major let down to many fans. The scene in the hospital was funny, when Joey "proposed" to the fragile Rachel, but to see them actually kissing and stuff was super awkward. To the writers credit, they handled the short lived "romance" very well. The super weird evening in the apartment, her slapping, him not being able to unhook the bra (one time he just looked at one and it popped open!) was wonderful. It was human, real, and necessary, after the misguided pairing. Another reason is that you felt for the actors. Though always the pros, you could see it was like kissing their brother/sister. There was no chemistry, not even a contrived one. That was something that was always so natural between Jennifer and David. But you can't win them all, eh? It didn't spoil the ending of this fabulous show, just a little hiccup. I'm still team Gavin. He was a clown, you know.

Born in Israel, but raised partly in the UK, Shira is rather an odd duck. She will get in your face with her opinion, but will then be super polite to the waitress serving her a cocktail, no matter how bad the service is. Movies are her passion, along with good TV, music, and Shakespeare. She loves to sing and goes to karaoke a lot, too. She will do anything creative, and will resort to finger painting if necessary. Shira also, apparently, enjoys writing about herself in third person, which is weird. But she just finished her first Fantasy novel, and it's not about her, so that's ok. Shira is very glad to be a part of WhatCulture!