10 TV Romances That Made Us Feel Ill

4. Worf & Troi - Star Trek The Next Generation

Worf And Troi 2370 Watching these two hook up was just as uncomfortable as looking at this picture. Why? Why Deanna? I get that he's the opposite of Riker - dull and super duper manly. But did you have to veer so far away? He's a Klingon! And a stupid one at that! Don't get me wrong, STTNG is one of my all time favorite shows, and Worf is awesome, but he is waaay out of her league. She and Riker made so much more sense. Both super intelligent, open, adventurous, charming, good looking. And in those few chapters where they hooked up, both actors looked very forced. It's a golden rule - if there's no chemistry between the actors, it won't come off on screen and it will bum people out. It was also so unnecessary. If the writers really needed to give her a love interest they should have gone one of three ways. Data (because he has never known love and she could teach him a thing or two), Q (because she deserves someone who will give her the world) or the ultimate - Picard. The perfect man. Naturally. Of course, to anyone who has seen the last STTNG movie - Nemesis, Riker and Troi do end up together, get married, and all is well with the world again.

Born in Israel, but raised partly in the UK, Shira is rather an odd duck. She will get in your face with her opinion, but will then be super polite to the waitress serving her a cocktail, no matter how bad the service is. Movies are her passion, along with good TV, music, and Shakespeare. She loves to sing and goes to karaoke a lot, too. She will do anything creative, and will resort to finger painting if necessary. Shira also, apparently, enjoys writing about herself in third person, which is weird. But she just finished her first Fantasy novel, and it's not about her, so that's ok. Shira is very glad to be a part of WhatCulture!