10 TV Romances That Made Us Feel Ill

3. Fez & Jackie - That 70's Show

Wallpaper That 70s Show 32444001 1920 1080 Talk about jump the shark... What an odd couple this was. I think it was just as confusing to the actors as it was to watch. On the one hand, it sounds like the perfect match. He worships her, she wants to be worshiped. They both care about hair and clothes and Disco music. But I must admit, after Jackie being with Hyde, which I thought was awesome, having that last season end with these two together was a total bummer. I never did understand why writers felt this urge to have one girl on the group make the rounds (similar to Rachel from Friends), it's so unnecessary! WHY?? She belonged with an idiot like Michael or a bad-ass like Hyde who would put her in her place, but Fez... He was a dud. He could never match her feisty nature and annoying high pitched voice. He belonged with someone like "fat Rhonda" and he could be dominated by a real woman. Fez belonged in his own little world, covered by candy and porn, and Jackie with someone who would give her jewelry and cheat on her on the side. Or am I too much of a realist?

Born in Israel, but raised partly in the UK, Shira is rather an odd duck. She will get in your face with her opinion, but will then be super polite to the waitress serving her a cocktail, no matter how bad the service is. Movies are her passion, along with good TV, music, and Shakespeare. She loves to sing and goes to karaoke a lot, too. She will do anything creative, and will resort to finger painting if necessary. Shira also, apparently, enjoys writing about herself in third person, which is weird. But she just finished her first Fantasy novel, and it's not about her, so that's ok. Shira is very glad to be a part of WhatCulture!