10 TV Show Mistakes You Can't Unsee

7. Time Travelling Kia's - Better Call Saul


The masterful Peter Gould and Vince Gilligan are a pair of brilliant TV minds known for their near unrivalled attention to detail, most notably seen during the creation of the likes of Breaking Bad and that show's equally outstanding prequel series Better Call Saul.

However, with the duo and rest of the top-class talent sitting behind the camera still only being human after all, it was only natural for the odd mistake and inconsistency to fall through the cracks over the years.

Perhaps one of the most jarring oddities to make themselves known in BCS in particular comes in the form of one rather specific vehicle roaming around the streets in the 2002 period the show is largely set in. During Season 2's Inflatable episode, if you look closely as Jimmy answers the phone to Kim on the street early on, you'll see a Kia Soul zooming around the corner.

With that vehicle only being produced for the first time in 2008, six years later, that all but confirms that someone managed to turn one of said Kia's into a time machine of sorts to spy on the man that would become Saul Goodman... right?

Or Gould, Gilligan and co. likely just thought Bob Odendirk's always mesmerising work would pull attention away from the out of place car for these few seconds.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...