10 TV Show Mistakes You Can't Unsee

8. Mike Blatantly Breaks A Ping-Pong Rule - Friends


Remember when Mike got a little bit overly competitive back in Season 9 of Friends?

Phoebe's eventual hubby famously made a point out of reminding his bitter ping pong rival Monica that "if at any time a player uses their non-racket-bearing hand to touch the playing surface, he or she forfeits the point."

So, it's just a shame that the mighty Hannigan appeared to completely forget that very same rule of the game later on in the episode. Blatantly cheating during one particular rally with a typically intense Geller, Mike's left hand is very much seen holding onto the table as he stretches to reply to Monica's shot.

Mike then proceeds to win the game within a few more shots, but surely Monica would have had a case to claim that she should've taken home the victory, no?

This specific oversight can be forgiven, mind. For without it, fans would've never ultimately learned precisely how much Chandler most definitely did not suck with a paddle in hand.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...