10 TV Show Moments That Aren't What They Seem

5. The Clone Troopers Were Actually Not CGI For A Change - Obi-Wan Kenobi

House of Dragon

It's become pretty common knowledge that every single clone trooper present during the final two entries in the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy was made up entirely from CGI. Meaning that there was never a single practical clone present on-screen throughout the flicks.

However, Disney+'s recent Obi-Wan Kenobi series finally changed all that, with many not even spotting the fact that the Order 66 flashback sequences seen during the six-part show involved the first-ever practical clone troopers taking down the Jedi Order.

Whereas The Book of Boba Fett appeared to once again go digital with its 501st Legion troops, Obi-Wan Kenobi brought the real deal to the party, with BTS images showcasing Hayden Christensen very much hanging out with the clones between takes.

Said clones were also played by members of the real-life 501st Legion charity organisation who specialise in creating highly accurate recreations of Star Wars costumes, with said group also lending their talents and outfits when stormtroopers were required throughout the series, too.

What a special moment... you know, before all the youngling killing.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...