10 TV Show Moments You're Misremembering

4. Timmy Never Fell Down A Well - Lassie

Family Guy Ralph Wiggum

Even if you've somehow never stumbled across even a single one of the 591 episodes of hit TV show Lassie, you'll surely be familiar with the episode where the ever-imperiled Timmy (Jon Provost) falls down a well, prompting Lassie to alert his mother with some barks.

Yet despite how widely ingrained and parodied this moment is in pop-culture, it's actually totally made-up and never once happened in the show.

While Timmy was endangered on the regular throughout his run on Lassie - such as getting trapped in a mine, ending up in an abandoned house, and eating deadly nightshade berries - he never falls down a well at all.

Though you might simply assume that audiences were confusing him getting trapped in a mine with a well, it gets even more interesting when you consider that Lassie herself did actually get trapped down a well in a season 17 episode.

Internet sleuths have spent years trying to assign a direct origin to "Timmy down the well," yet to this very day it's still unknown precisely who started it. A meme before memes were a thing, basically.

Hilariously, Timmy actor Jon Provost even addressed the misconception in his own 2007 autobiography, which was aptly-titled "Timmy's in the Well."

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