10 TV Show Moments You're Misremembering

3. Ralph Wiggum Says "I'm In Danger" In Family Guy, NOT The Simpsons

Family Guy Ralph Wiggum

Everyone remembers The Simpsons episode where Ralph Wiggum sits at the back of the school bus, chuckles nervously, and iconically quips, "I'm in danger," right?

The moment's become an Internet meme in its own right in recent years, but get this - it never actually occurred in an episode of The Simpsons at all. Nope.

In fact, this is taken from an episode of Family Guy - its season 13 episode "The Simpsons Guy" to be precise, which was of course a crossover between Family Guy and The Simpsons.

In the scene, Peter Griffin and Homer Simpson are fighting on the bus, at which point Homer tells him, "Knock it off, there's a kid back there!," and we pan across to the famous Ralph moment.

Most Simpsons fans also forget that, immediately after this, the bus suddenly turns as Peter and Homer fight for the steering wheel, sending Ralph flying out the window. So, Ralph was certainly right for once.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.