10 TV Show Moments You're Misremembering

2. Chris Made A Turkey Burger, NOT A Vegan Burger - Parks & Recreation

Family Guy Ralph Wiggum

Parks and Recreation's season three episode "Soulmates" sees Chris (Rob Lowe) ban red meat from the city hall commissary, prompting meat lover Ron (Nick Offerman) to challenge Chris to a cook-off in an attempt to prove the supremacy of red meat to Chris' healthier choice.

And if Ron wins the cook-off, then red meat gets to stay on the city hall menu.

Now, many fans appear to remember that the pathologically health-conscious Chris ends up cooking a vegan burger, much to Ron's disgust, and that ultimately everybody - even Chris - agrees that Ron's red meat burger actually tastes better.

And while that outcome is indeed correct, Chris doesn't cook a vegan no-meat burger at all - he actually cooks a turkey burger with a recipe he's meticulously perfected over many years. The judges, and Chris himself, all love his burger, but they can't deny that Ron's red meat burger tastes better.

If some recall the scene as basically poking fun at vegans and "health food freaks," that's actually not the case, as on-brand as it sounds for a scene involving Ron, Chris, and meat.

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