10 TV Show Scenes With INSANE Implications

6. Greendale's Gas Leak - Community

Buffy The Vampire Slayer

After Community's fourth season proved wildly divisive with fans due to the absence of the show's creator Dan Harmon, the fifth season - which saw Harmon return to the fold - offered up a hilarious explanation for the wacky storylines and out-of-character moments throughout the prior season.

In the season five premiere, Annie (Alison Brie) briefly mentions that there was a gas leak at Greendale Community College last year, in turn suggesting that all the absurd behaviour the season prior was due to everyone being mentally impaired by the gas.

Though the audience isn't expected to linger on the line beyond a quick wink-wink laugh, it does nevertheless cause one to consider how an apparently year-long gas leak would've impacted the wider student body at Greendale.

There must've been so many insane, out-of-character things happening to anyone who frequented the establishment, potentially altering people's lives forever as relationships broke down and people made very rash, over-the-top decisions.

Also, prolonged exposure to leaking gas is likely to cause long-term, potentially lifelong neurological and other health issues, so there's that, not to mention the presumed lawsuit that followed.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.