10 TV Shows Already Cancelled In 2023

5. 61st Street

Inside Job

Another sacrificial lamb in AMC's tax ritual is 61st Street, a legal drama set in the mean world of Chicago.

Starring ex-Doctor Who companion Tosin Cole, the series is about a promising young Black athlete who gets swept up in the racist justice system after being accused of being in a gang.

He is backed up by the legendary Courtney B. Vance as his lawyer as the reasons for his false accusation become clearer and clearer.

Well, not that clear, unfortunately.

As announced by the network, AMC will not be moving forward with its plans to air the second season of 61st Street. This is a devastating blow as the drama was really beginning to go somewhere. Also, this was a huge opportunity for British star Cole to make a big impact across the pond.

Quick, get in the TARDIS and stop this from ever happening!

Like a few other examples on this list, the show's second run has already been filmed, so it might reincarnate on a different platform.

It's just ironic that the channel behind The Walking Dead is the reason it might have to.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.