10 TV Shows Boycotted For Ridiculous Reasons

5. Lucifer Glorified Satan

lucifer poster

Lucifer, the series based on the Neil Gaiman comic The Sandman, is a sci-fi-tinged procedural that sees the Devil himself helping the LAPD fight crime. It’s pulpy, it’s fun, and it’s safe to say that it’s not meant to be taken literally. Of course, you know, America…

When word got out about FOX’s Lucifer, well before the show was even made or had aired a single episode, Christian advocacy groups - including our old friends One Million Moms - cried for the show to be cancelled immediately.

As is often the case with boycotts, the whole thing was really well thought out and had the utmost research behind it, and rational adults only called for the boycott after seeing firsthand—No, wait, none of that happened. In fact, even Neil Gaiman criticized the boycott, stating that "it seems like only yesterday that the “Concerned Mothers of America” announced that they were boycotting Sandman because it contained Lesbian, Gay, Bi and Trans characters. I wonder if they noticed it didn’t work last time, either…"

According to those who circled a petition for Lucifer to be cancelled, the show glamourized the Devil, painted him as a hero, and disrespected the bible. They claimed that the show “will glorify Satan as a caring, likable person in human flesh,” not to mention that it will depict “a nightclub featuring scantily clad women and a demon.” All of these things and more were enough for several letter writing campaigns and pleas for the network to scrap the show's airing, which of course never happened, and Lucifer will now be airing its third season later this year.

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Jake Black writes the funny, weird, interesting things that you love reading. He's super cool, really famous, and everyone likes him. He's never once been punched in the face by Johnny Depp on a ferry traveling to Southampton, England.