10 TV Shows That Cruelly Teased What We Really Wanted To See

4. Tony's Death - Sopranos

WandaVision Pietro

After a masterful six seasons of television at its absolute finest, David Chase's crime drama The Sopranos came to a sudden close on the back of a scene that said a great deal without showing much at all. However, it was this exact combination that left some fans feeling cheated as the dust settled on Tony Soprano's compelling arc.

The final scene of the entire series goes down inside of a diner as Tony and his family sit down to eat and chat, all while Journey's Don't Stop Believin' plays aloud. A sense of dread could be felt throughout, with fans feeling as though each and every ring of the bell, heard after a character entered the diner, could signal the climactic end for Tony.

Yet, instead of giving us the visual closure we were looking for when it came to this epic tale, as Meadow arrives late to the scene and one last bell goes off, Tony glances upwards and the scene cuts to black.

No shocking shoot-out, no heart-breaking death scene, just a cut-off mid-way through an iconic tune and the suggestion of the main man's demise. Needless to say, some passionate fans were less than amused...

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...