10 TV Shows That Cruelly Teased What We Really Wanted To See

3. Rick Getting His Arm Cut Off - The Walking Dead

WandaVision Pietro

One of the most significant things to happen to Rick Grimes during the character's original comic book arc came in the form of the moment he unfortunately lost his right hand.

This shocking development came after he refused to give up the location of his camp to 'The Governor', leading to the punishment of losing his right mitt for his troubles.

However, this dramatic exchange never came to life during the character's arc on The Walking Dead show, despite both actor Andrew Lincoln and fans all over the world clamouring for its inclusion and the show teasing its appearance (or lack of) on a number of occasions

During the Season Seven premiere, after refusing to chop off his own son's hand at the request of new villain Negan, Rick begged to take his son's place, only for Negan to allow the pair to retain their limbs after realising they'd submitted to him.

The character also significantly hurt his right hand whilst fighting off a spiker walker known as Winslow, and cut this paw with a machete during another walker fight. Despite all this, though, we still weren't gifted with a vital part of the character's journey from the comics.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...