10 TV Shows That Deserved To Become Cult Hits (That Didn't)

5. Taboo

Tom Hardy Taboo

Submerging himself in the gritty darkness of 19th century London throughout the constant source of mystery and brutality that was 2017's Taboo, Tom Hardy looked like he was onto something of a winner with his mesmerising work as James Delaney in front of the camera and as one of the show's creators behind it.

The fact none other than Peaky Blinder creator Steven Knight was also helping bring the eerie tale of Delaney returning to his corrupt homeland, upon hearing of his father's death after spending the prior 12 years living in Africa, to life unquestionably added yet more quality to this Hardy family passion project, too.

And the end results went down rather well with a decent amount of the folks who tuned into the stylish yet savage first season; one that showcased an absolute embarrassment of acting riches in Stephen Graham, Jessie Buckley, Oona Chaplin, Tom Hollander, and Jonathan Pryce.

Sure, the relentlessly grim and often surreal antics seen going down in the series weren't for everyone. But there did seem to be enough of an audience for Hardy and co.'s eight-episode drama to sustain the hype well into its second season.

But with Season Two still some way off at time of writing - with it potentially only going into production at the end of this year - it's hard to escape the feeling of this potential cult BBC hit missing the boat a tad when it comes to capitalising on the pockets of genuine buzz that once surrounded it.

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Tom Hardy
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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...