10 TV Shows That Kickstarter Should Help Revive As Films

7. Dollhouse (2009-2010)

The TV Show: Dollhouse starred Eliza Dushku as Echo, an "Active" for a Los Angeles-based company that hires out re-programmable people to rich folks with a variety of needs--from bodyguards and henchmen (or henchwomen) to escorts and friends. The series developed a fan-base but never a big enough viewership to warrant more than two all-too-brief seasons. The Film: Joss Whedon has had a hit-and-miss record with his television career--not according to the fans (they just about love them all!), but with ratings. Buffy was certainly a hit, and Angel fared well, too, but others like Dollhouse didn't seem to have a fighting chance. According to interviews, Dollhouse never aired the way Joss Whedon meant it to, with storylines and characters being added and subtracted by the studio folks in charge. A feature film reboot would allow the master tale-spinner to tell the story he originally wanted to tell.
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Peter lives in Albuquerque with the three loves of his life: his lady, his cat, and his large library of books. When he's not acting on stage, on film, or writing on his laptop, he can generally be found on the porch with his nose buried in a book and a tall glass of whatever's cold in his hand.