10 TV Shows That Killed Off The Wrong Character

6. Cordelia Chase - Angel

20th Century Fox Television

Joss Whedon is addicted to building up great characters that audiences adore, only to cruelly take them away when he wants to. This is a tactic he€'s used on all of his shows, with the death of Cordelia being one that stung more than most.

She started out as the comic relief before becoming a fully fleshed out character, who was funny whilst being brutally honest with other characters. Her relationship with Angel would become crucial to the show€'s success, so the decision to replace her with Spike and kill her off would ultimately damage the programme, leaving it weaker as a result.

Who Should Have Died Instead: Connor.

Introducing a whiny teenage character into a show is never a good sign, and Angel€'s son Connor was no exception. He was universally disliked by critics and fans, so if someone absolutely had to die people, it should have been him.

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Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.