10 TV Shows That Killed Off The Wrong Character

10. Merle Dixon - The Walking Dead

Gene Page/AMC

Michael Rooker really made an impression with his scene chewing turn as Daryl Dixon€'s older, angrier brother Merle. He was a bad guy who€'d made peace with his badness, seeing it as a strength in the post-zombie world.

He made an evolution from trigger happy racist to one-handed henchman, who was later forced to play nice for the sake of his brother. It was great to watch the character grow and develop something close to a conscience, so if he hadn€'t pointlessly sacrificed himself trying to kill The Governor, then later seasons could have seen him grow even more.

Who Should Have Died Instead: Beth Greene.

While she eventually got some stuff to do in later seasons, Beth was without a doubt the most useless character during Season Three. This season was ruthless with killing off pointless characters, yet she somehow survived the cull.

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Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.