10 TV Shows That Killed Off The Wrong Character

8. Charlie Pace - Lost


While Charlie could be a little annoying at times, he was one of the most complex characters on Lost. A former rock star and recovering heroin addict, he finds new meaning in life when he ends up as one of the survivors of the plane crash.

He falls in love with Claire, he helps her raise her newborn baby on the island, and despite his many flaws, he€'s typically brave and heroic. Season Three was teasing his death from the beginning, so while he got a fitting end, the show really missed his presence afterwards.

Who Should Have Died Instead: Claire Littleton.

While she may have been Charlie€'s love interest, their 'will they or won€'t they?' romance was more irritating than cute. Claire was kind of a useless character for most of Lost, as she was always complaining or needing rescuing.

If she had died in Charlie€'s place then he would have had to take care of her son Aaron, which would have been a more interesting direction for the character to go in.

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Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.