10 TV Shows That Made You Answer Impossible Questions

6. Once Upon A Time - Your Chances Of Children, Or Your Mother-In-Law’s Life?

Dexter Questions

The “what if Disney’s stable of characters lived in Twin Peaks” mystery series is probably not one which was an obvious addition to a list which is mostly full of morally grey protagonists from very adult offerings such as Dexter, The Walking Dead, and Breaking Bad. But believe it or not this ABC Family hit did pose a pretty difficult moral quandary for viewers during its contentious second season, a run which saw the show move into darker territory than its first.

Series star Snow White is left missing out on any chance of having children when a nefarious villain tricks her into imbibing a potion, and her mother-in-law soon falls victim to a similar ruse, drinking the same poison which, at her age, just leaves her at death’s door instead. Much better.

The day seems saved when the pair travel to a magic lake whose water will cure them, but in an awkward moment for the ages, Snow White’s betrothed has only gone on and inadvertently emptied the lake of all but one sup of its elixir.

So who gets the drink—the queen-to-be, ensuring she can provide an heir and is free to be a mother, or her mother-in-law, who has done nothing to deserve this rapidly accelerated death?

It’s a surprisingly intense conundrum given the show’s tone, and signalled a more serious tone for its second season.

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