10 TV Shows That Made You Love Killers

7. Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul - Mike Ehrmantraut

Dexter Flames

Yeah, Jesse and Walt both have body counts. However, I’m not really sure we can call Jesse a killer, at least not in the sense that the term is used throughout the rest of the list, and I don’t think Walt is exactly loveable. He’s a great character, but love is a bit too strong.

Mike though, the hardest working assassin in the business, might do a bit more to earn our love.

It’s important to note that, like Walt, Mike has done a lot of bad things. That list of bad things gets longer when you add in his significant role in Better Call Saul, Breaking Bad’s prequel series. But what makes Mike more loveable than Walt is that Mike knows who and what he is. That doesn’t excuse him - having the self-awareness to know that you’re a killer also probably means you should know to stop - but we see this self-awareness paired with an altruistic motive: he is actually trying to provide for loved ones, an obvious contrast to Walter who has had opportunities to provide for his family in ways that don’t involve being a murderous kingpin.

Where Walt is all self delusion, unable to admit that his awful actions are really just for himself, Mike, knows who he is and what he wants. It’s not enough to make him a good man, but it is enough to make him a kind of fond, world-wearied friend to follow through all his horrible exploits.

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Reader of books, fan of horror and dogs, reviewer of film, future PhD-haver and writer of limited renown.