10 TV Shows That Made You Love Killers

6. Fargo - Hanzee

Dexter Flames

Hanzee is an underrated television character. He’s an assassin in Fargo’s second season, employed by a crime family in the northern midwest of the United States. For much of the season, Hanzee seems like a loyal henchman, constantly taking orders from a family that doesn’t hesitate to demean his Native American heritage. It’s uncomfortable to see him serve like this.

Until he turns the tables that is.

Hanzee has his own plans. And while he’s certainly a villain, we grow to understand exactly why he is one and how his “kill and be killed” philosophy came about. He’s experienced injustice and, as a result, seems to believe that there is no real justice to be found in the world. He’s harsh, brutal, and entirely opposed to the more lawful, peaceful goals of the protagonists of the show, but his own philosophy, presented coherently and empathetically, is completely understandable, making him the kind of villain you almost want to see succeed.

You might not be able to support him completely, but you grow to respect him all the same.

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Reader of books, fan of horror and dogs, reviewer of film, future PhD-haver and writer of limited renown.