10 TV Shows That Made You Love Killers

3. Boardwalk Empire - Richard Harrow

Dexter Flames

Richard Harrow was a fan-favourite character in Boardwalk Empire. In a show full of killing, which Harrow participates in regularly as a hitman, Richard is a character who seems, on some level, more guided by a sense of morality than the other characters.

He’s an ex-soldier whose face was scarred horribly by fighting in the first world war such that he must now wear a mask covering the most damaged half of his face. He therefore arrives back home with no support and little opportunity to provide for himself, which makes putting his finely tuned skills as a soldier to work just about the only way he can survive.

Even still, though he kills for money, a sense of loyalty drives him more than cash, a distinction that means everything in this gangster show filled with characters who destroy each other for greed’s sake. It’s perhaps evidence of his naivete - he is operating in a world whose rules do not match his own after all - but it highlights him as someone to care for and who doesn’t deserve the kind of comeuppance steadily approaching most of his fellow gangsters. This makes it easy to empathize with and love him as we watch him struggle, usually futilely, to leave his criminal life behind.

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Reader of books, fan of horror and dogs, reviewer of film, future PhD-haver and writer of limited renown.