10 TV Shows That Made You Love Killers

4. Doctor Who - The Doctor

Dexter Flames

The Doctor is goofy and loveable and occassionally commits some minor acts of genocide. The Doctor is usually somewhat of a pacifist, but in moments where they lose their way, most frequently when they don’t have human companions around to tie them back to a clear sense of humanity, they can do some truly horrible things. Remember that time they killed an entire colony of space spiders? Or when they semi-destroyed their own homeplanet?

These acts are not something the show shies away from either. They present the doctor’s more violent actions and force us to gaze upon the doctor's dark side full-on. The Doctor is a being of unimaginable power and when they get pushed into a corner, we see the ways in which their many lifetimes have weighed on them, made them bitter and sometimes cruel towards people who might harm the people they love.

It’s an integral part of Doctor Who (since its 21st century reboot at least). The Doctor can become a ruthless warrior, but they can be pulled back by those they love most. It’s easy to love the Doctor, making it all the more horrible when we see them go too far, and all the more heartening when seeing how they can be pulled back and become kind and merciful again.

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Reader of books, fan of horror and dogs, reviewer of film, future PhD-haver and writer of limited renown.