10 TV Shows That Most Accurately Represent Britain

4. The Office

Peep Show Mark

Ricky Gervais really does have it all sorted doesn’t he. Make 12 episodes of something and then simply sell it to the rest of the world. Genius.

And although Gervais has gone on to Hollywood success and seems to endlessly host the Golden Globes for the last time, The Office remains his best work to date. The mockumentary follows David Brent and his fellow workers at Wernhum Hogg Paper Company. The series was a major success with the character of David Brent stealing the show, with his verbal gaffes, accidental racist remarks and endless attempts at being loved reminding every Brit of their favourite (or more likely least favourite boss). The show also launched the career of Martin Freeman (Sherlock and The Hobbit), whose love story with Dawn (Lucy Davis) is unbearably British in his coyness and inability to say how he feels.

The US Office is one of few American remakes of British TV that was successful, but the shows tendency to be over the top reinforces what is so brilliant about the original.

The awkward silences as a Brit are blissful and make the show what it is. The quintessential British office.


Jamie Armstrong hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.