10 TV Shows That Most Accurately Represent Britain

3. Fresh Meat

Peep Show Mark
Channel 4

As Jack Whitehall continues to bombard Netflix with odd-couple, father son travelogues that riff solely on the fact that his dad is old and funnier than him, let us not forget that he was once funny.

Whitehall starred in this comedy drama that followed the lives of six students who share an off-campus student house. Having missed out on halls the series follows the misfit bunch through university and their attempts to deal with the love, drugs, sex and even Russell Brand mannequin heads.

From the hedonistic and offbeat Vod to the upper-class David Hockney owning JP, the show covers the somewhat odd and occasionally depraved lives of the six students. The show not only frequently delivers on laughs, but is painfully relatable to anyone who has gone to uni in Britain or has even shared a house.

Cultural references and frequent trips to the pub punctuate this soulful and sympathetic comedy about growing up in the Jägerbomb, iPhone 3 generation.

Everyone knows a Vod, or a Josie….or even a Howard.


Jamie Armstrong hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.