10 TV Shows That Re-Used Props From Other Shows

4. 2GAT123 License Plate

married with children modern family

Sticking with cars, here's the license plate equivalent of every character on TV having a phone number with 555 in.

Observant TV audiences may have noticed that characters in shows as diverse in style as Lost, Charmed, Two And A Half Men, New Girl, The X-Files, Beverly Hills 90210 and several others all drove cars with the same license plate: 2GAT123.

After seeing the license number come up a lot on cars in Curb Your Enthusiasm, producer Bob Weide was asked if there was any significance to it. He responded that "they're just prop plates that are used by a number of productions."

Like the 555 phone numbers, the 2GAT123 plate has specifically been set aside by the state of California for use in film and TV, the "GAT" referencing California's nickname of the Golden State. Even though it's a California license plate, TV viewers have nevertheless spotted it on cars as far afield as Kentucky-set crime series Justified.

The 2GAT123 license plate props are so ubiquitous that the number can even be seen in animated form on Archer, an in-joke for those who pay far too much attention to trivial details. So, people like us, then.


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