10 TV Shows That Rely Too Heavily On Nudity

1. Spartacus

So that just leaves the top spot remaining, and as you can see €“ and anyone who watched it would surely agree €“ the TV show that relied on nudity more than any of its peers was Spartacus. Spartacus was set in Ancient Rome (rings a bell) and revolved around a Thracian character of the same name who was loosely inspired by a historical figure, and ran on the Starz cable network for three seasons plus a miniseries. With swords, sandals, savagery and sex aplenty, some naysayers criticised the show€™s rather thin plotting, but they clearly weren€™t paying enough attention to the savagery and sex. Whereas it€™s not uncommon to see some of the cast members naked at some point in pretty much every show we€™ve listed, in Spartacus there were a few characters for whom it was rare to wear clothes at all. No complaints about sexism or the objectification of women here €“ the men are exposed just as much as the women €“ but there were plenty of complaints when it came to exporting the show; Mediawatch UK tried to stop Spartacus from reaching British shores, thankfully to no avail. Rendering any attempt at a porn parody utterly pointless, Spartacus remains the undisputed champ of TV nudity, because sometimes grotesque, extreme violence simply isn€™t enough. Feel free to discuss your disgust below.

I watch movies and I watch sport. I also watch movies about sport, and if there were a sport about movies I'd watch that too. The internet was the closest thing I could find.