10 TV Shows That Rely Too Heavily On Nudity

6. Californication

Some pictures paint a thousand words, others leave you speechless. Either one could apply to the image above. A show revolving around sex addiction? Yep, pretty likely to show up on any list about TV shows heavy on nudity, although few of Californication€™s rivals have come in for quite as much criticism as a result. Californication starred David Duchovny as Hank Moody, an L.A.-based novelist struggling to get to grips with his alcoholism, drug use, familial duties, self-loathing and sex addiction, and it let viewers know what they were in for pretty much straightaway. Inside the first five minutes of the very first episode, we€™re treated to the sacrilegious sight of a fellating nun and Hank treating a church like a pay-per-hour motel room. The scene in question was actually a dream sequence, but it€™s hardly surprising that the show became an instant target for the religious right, who successfully lobbied advertisers in Australia and New Zealand to cease their sponsorship of the raunchy show and tried to have it removed from screens. However, such antipathy didn€™t stop Californication airing for seven seasons, and although it was running out of steam long before the end, it certainly showed plenty of stamina where it counts and went out with a bang. Several, actually.

I watch movies and I watch sport. I also watch movies about sport, and if there were a sport about movies I'd watch that too. The internet was the closest thing I could find.