10 TV Shows That Rely Too Heavily On Nudity

5. Orange Is The New Black

Orange may very well be the new black, but Netflix is definitely the new power player in the broadcast stakes. The streaming service attracted a number of grateful new subscribers by reviving cult classic Arrested Development, and their original programming now includes one of the best shows going in political powerhouse House of Cards. However, perhaps their most controversial original output is Orange is the New Black. Based on a real-life memoir, OITNB tells the story of Piper Chapman, a woman sent to prison for an old crime and forced to serve time alongside her lesbian partner from years gone by. Rather inevitably, this causes complications with her fiancé Larry, but it makes things more interesting for viewers everywhere. Would the admittedly fairly common nudity in the show have attracted so much interest if it didn€™t involve, for want of a better phrase, girl-on-girl action? We€™ll never know, but some viewers have found the lesbian scenes to be on the gratuitous side, and in that OITNB opened with a revealing shower scene, you can understand why they feel that way. The show€™s second season also included full-frontal male nudity, so at least any claims of sexism can be put to one side, and they won€™t be shying away from explicit content any time soon. €œI love graphic sex, the more sex the better,€ so says show creator Jenji Kohan. We hear you, Jenji.

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