10 TV Shows That Rely Too Heavily On Nudity

3. True Blood

As anyone who€™s tuned in to True Blood would likely know, the vampire saga is based in Bon Temps, Louisiana. And as language experts know, €˜Bon Temps€™ translates as €˜good times€™ and €˜Louisiana€™, we assume, means €˜naked€™. Alan Ball€™s HBO show is difficult to categorise, lying somewhere between supernatural drama, Southern Gothic fantasy, horror and black comedy. However, one constant throughout True Blood€™s seven seasons is a nudity quotient to rival almost any show yet seen. This shouldn€™t really come as a surprise €“ the vampire has been a sexual allegory for centuries €“ but some viewers have found it difficult to contain their shock. From the very first episode, the audience was assaulted with fang-bangers, bondage, cosplay, threesomes, girl-on-girl, boy-on-boy, orgies and more, and that€™s without even going into the really weird stuff. Sookie€™s nookie is positively chaste compared to Eric and Nora€™s displays of sibling love, Bill literally twisting Lorena€™s head around during sex so he doesn€™t have to look at her, and Alcide€™s American werewolf in flagrante. If you€™ve seen even half the stuff they get up to on True Blood and you€™ve never been the same since, seek help and you should be okay. If you€™ve done half this stuff, no amount of therapy can save you.

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