10 TV Shows That Rely Too Heavily On Nudity

4. Girls

When it comes to what constitutes acceptable levels of nudity on your TV screen, few shows have engendered as much debate as Girls. Whereas some shows (like a couple we are yet to mention) can justify extreme content due to their essentially pulpy nature or because they are set in fictional worlds, some don€™t shake the accusations quite so easily. A few years ago, Lena Dunham was a virtual unknown, but that was before cable network behemoth HBO picked up Girls (so to speak) in 2012. She€™s since become an international celebrity and, in light of the fact that Dunham has written and directed a number of episodes as well as playing the lead, this recognition of her talents is well deserved. Nevertheless, she€™s also become somewhat infamous for the amount of time her character Hannah spends semi-naked, naked, naked on the phone, playing ping-pong in the nude or, as in the image above, eating cake in a toilet cubicle. Naked. On the one hand, Dunham has been applauded for her candid approach and pride in her €˜normal€™ body, but it€™s also led to her being subjected to criticism bordering on abuse and accusations that she plays the nudey card too often. Whatever your take, Dunham and her Girls €“ and boys too €“ are naked and proud. And often.

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