10 TV Shows That Should Have Quit When They Were Ahead

2. Scrubs

Scrubs J.D. Zach Braff

Scrubs is one of the best sitcoms and best hospital dramas ever made, yet it might well have earned its place in TV hell for its most grievous sin.

The series finale, showing JD meeting all the classic characters and imagining his life with Eliot, Turk, Carla and Dr Cox is one of television’s finest. It wrapped the show up perfectly, had just the right amount of sentimentality and was entirely in keeping with the show’s tone. Sure, Seasons 7 and 8 weren’t as great as the earlier six, but nothing too damaging; certainly not enough to end up here.

Then, in a decision motivated entirely by money, the show came back for a ninth season. There was a new protagonist, new location, most of the main cast were relegated to supporting roles and a heap of new players involved. Worst of all, it lost its identity and plain old wasn’t funny.

There’s been some attempts by fans and the show alike to distance Season 9 from the show’s legacy, labelling it a spin-off (Scrubs: The Interns), but that’s not really fooling anyone. Scrubs had one of best closers ever and they threw it away.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)