10 TV Shows That Turned Wimps Into Badasses

8. Charlie Pace - Lost

The Walking Dead

The Charlie Pace we met in the early stages of Lost was in a rather dark place. Fresh from trying and failing to convince his brother to reform their band, the heroin-addicted former rockstar boards Oceanic Airlines Flight 815.

However, instead of falling deeper into his pit of addiction and self doubt after at first caring about little else than getting high, Charlie experiences a compelling level of growth over the course of the show. Before long, Pace is helping Claire with newborn son Aaron, saving peoples’ lives, killing kidnappers and helping secure vital supplies for the crew.

This all ultimately leads to one of the most powerful moments of the series - Charlie volunteering to swim down to the underwater Looking Glass station to communicate with Penelope Widmore’s boat.

After being told by Naomi that the gang were being lied to, Charlie ends up being the only person who knows the truth - stuck in a room about to be flooded thanks to a grenade from Mikhail. With his life expectancy down to seconds, Charlie heroically writes “not Penny’s boat” on his hand, and dies knowing that at least his final actions helped every other member of the group.

It would be harsh to class Charlie as an out-and-out “wimp” when talking about the place we initially found him in, but the lad who once cared about nothing more than his next hit still went out with a truly badass, heroic, and vital bang.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...