10 TV Shows That Turned Wimps Into Badasses

7. Dean Craig Pelton - Community

The Walking Dead

In general, the terms to best describe Community's resident Dean of Greendale Community College would likely be bumbling, eager to please, and just a bit of an all round goof. However, there is much more to this sharply dressed cueball than meets the eye as is routinely showcased by this often barmy comedy hit.

Time and time again, just when fans thought they had the mind behind the "Greendale Human Beings" figured out, an unexpectedly badass wrinkle has made itself known out of nowhere.

Look no further than the time Pelton let rip at a bald-cap-wearing-Jeff Winger and unleashed his inner-a-hole-director for not being "real" enough to appear in his commercial, or the time he single-handedly took out a squad of paintball goons in an elevator (channeling his inner Captain American in the process) for just two examples of The Dean turning into and out-and-out mean machine when pushed to his limits.

Nobody puts this Dean in a corner.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...