10 TV Shows That Turned Wimps Into Badasses

6. Ned Flanders - The Simpsons

The Walking Dead
20th Century Fox

Similarly to Dean Craig Pelton, for the most part, fans seem to associate the character of Ned Flanders with that of a well-mannered chap who is always on-hand to help a friend in need.

Again, it's not that Ned has necessarily been classed as a straight-up "wimp" at any point during his time as part of The Simpson's OG roster, but he was largely seen as a bit of a pushover and a goody-two-shoes early on.

However, determined to keep audience's on their toes when it came to the Simpson's friendly neighbour, Matt Groening and the gang opted to add a few more unanticipated layers to the character as time went by.

From saving Homer from a house fire on his Todd, backflipping through the front-window just for good measure, to showing off the sort of shredded physique that would make Thor himself a little jealous, though the writers would lean a little heavily into using him as a way to poke fun at Christianity as the character continued to develop, they never shied away from the fact that this Flander-ino turned out to be a bit of a stud.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...