10 TV Shows That Went Way Too Far

4. Robson's Dental Procedure - Oz

Friends Ross Cousin

If there was any show that could rival Game of Thrones for title of most unsettling, it would be Oz, HBO's early masterwork that features more horrible human behaviour and graphic violence than almost anything seen on TV before or since. And this was one of its very worst moments, in an endless sea of them.

After making a name for himself as a steadfast member of the Aryan Brotherhood, convicted murderer Robson (R.E. Rodgers) develops gum disease and has a surgical graft to fix it, learning after the fact that the graft was taken from a Black man. Distraught and removed from the Brotherhood, he takes a razor and decides to cut the gums out of his mouth. 

It's a sadistic, visceral scene, the prelude to which sees Robson using heroin as a painkiller before we're shown - in vivid, zoomed-in detail - his razor cut out chunks of his gums. Even for Oz (and Robson, who earlier in the show had part of his penis bitten off. Seriously), this scene was seriously twisted.

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Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.